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How Design has changed my life forever.

Updated: Nov 2, 2020

There was a time in my life where all I did was sketch and doodle in notebooks and scrap paper. My childhood was full of ideas and imagination. As I got older and more curious I would get excited about a new Cereal box or a New movie poster. I was fascinated by art and I soon realized that art and design is what surrounds us all. I eventually became a Tattoo artist for many years and learned just how design can change the entire mood and setting of a person place or thing. It was then that I realized that Design virtually constructs the reality around us. I came across a Graphic Design school online and I was sure this is what I wanted to do. After a little more than a Year I had learned just how much the Design all around us influenced the world for good and bad. It was then I realized this was my place and this is how I wanted to leave my mark on the world. With all the creativity that I had in me and with the motivation to leave this world a better place I decided that Graphic Designer was the title that I was born for.

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